Indeed, the FEICOM finances the construction, the rehabilitation or the equipment of the schools in the Councils and wishes to do this, to adapt more the answer brought to the real needs of the populations. Its interventions in the basic education sector mobilizes more than 15% of the Budget of the Municipal Investments which represents between 2011 and 2018, an envelope of 15 559 678 932 CFA francs.

In order to take into account, the vision of the first users who are the children, the FEICOM organized a national contest, where the children were called to express by drawing, their vision of their ideal school, individually or in group.

This contribution of users to the identification of their needs would be included in the study on the redesign of the standard plans for classrooms and full-cycle schools funded by FEICOM.

To this effect, a total of fourteen (14) Primary Schools from KUMBO, NKUM, MBIAME, BAMENDA III, FUNDONG, BAMENDA I, NDOP, BAFUT, NKAMBE, JAKIRI, WUM, MBENGWI, SANTA and TUBAH Councils participated in the contest within the prescribed deadline.

During the Regional evaluation that that took place in July 2018, was presided by the North West Regional Delegate of Basic Education, the results of the drawing contest for primary Schools in the Region were declared for five winners (Five Schools) as elaborated here below.

The following schools were declared winners of the drawing contest organized by FEICOM during the end of the Second Quarter 2018. Out of a total of fourteen (14) Primary Schools from KUMBO, NKUM, MBIAME, BAMENDA III, FUNDONG, BAMENDA I, NDOP, BAFUT, NKAMBE, JAKIRI, WUM, MBENGWI, SANTA and TUBAH Council that participated in the contest within the prescribed deadline, the following which five schools were declared successful at the level of the Region in order of merit. These schools came from three Divisions namely, Bui, Mezam and Boyo as seen in the table below.

No Division Council Name of School Score on 20 Position
1 Bui KUMBO GS BAMNGAM 18.03 1st
2 Bui NKUM Catholic Primary School TATUM 17.83 2nd
3 Bui MBIAME GS LAM 17.21 3rd
4 Mezam BAMENDA III GPS NEBUNG 16.63 4th
5 Boyo FUNDONG GPS NGWAINKUMA 16.63 4th ex

At the national level, the above-mentioned schools became successful and were equally granted two types of awards namely;
• An award of didactic material 25 000 Fcfa excluding taxes for the School that participated,
• An award of didactic material 10 000 Fcfa net for each pupil that participated,
It is worth mentioning that out the five (05) schools that were declared, a total of thirty-three (33) pupils were handed the prizes and a special note has to be given to the fact that FEICOM did not only focus on the Government primary schools as one the schools that won the prize was the Catholic Primary School TATUM in NKUM Council showing proof of the fact that FEICOM and NKUM Council do not consider local development only in the Government schools but also in the lay private schools.
Following the declaration of the results, it was the turn of the Regional Agency of FEICOM to hand these prices to the laureates an occasion that took place on the 20th of February 2020 at the GPS NEBUNG in the BAMEND AIII Council in the presence of the following,
• The Divisional Delegates for Basic Educations for BUI, MEZAAM and BOYO;
• FEICOM personnel.
• The Inspectors of Education for the Various Delegations concerned;
• The representative of the various Councils;
• The Head Mistresses of two Primary Schools (GPS NEBUNG and GPS NGWAINKUMA in in BAMENDA III and FUNDONG Councils);
• The laureates from the various primary schools though most of them were already gone to the Secondary schools rather than the former Primary Schools (Ama-mater).
It is worth nothing again here of the difficulty that the Agency faced in carrying out this activity as most of the pupils had left the villages especially those of the three schools in BUI and that of BOYO Divisions due to the political instability and only their Head Teachers could have access to their didactic material as none of the schools in the said Divisions is functioning as of now.

On the other hand, the inaccessibility of these divisions equally forced the Agency to organize the occasion at the level of the Region in BAMNEDA Central where there is security in General.






