29th Evaluation Committee (COMEV), (continued)
This 29th Evaluation Committee (COMEV) also offered us the opportunity to highlight the actions carried out by FEICOM to improve the living environment of our fellow citizens.
To this end, the paper presented by the Department of Partnership Projects and Programmes reviewed the snail breeding project of Nkongsamba I Council financed within the framework of the Programme for the Economic and Social Development of Crisis-hit Medium Cities (PRODESV II)
The said project involves the construction of a shed, on-call housing facilities and a laboratory. It is managed by 16 internally displaced women belonging to the “Association of Internally Displaced Women of Nkongsamba I – AIDWON”
Fifty modern snail farms are used to raise snails at different stages of growth.
In addition to production, the women carry out the first stages of processing, producing fresh and dried snails as well as soap made from slime extracted from the growing snails.
Prospects for improving this activity include increasing production, diversifying snail by-products such as shell flour, as well as obtaining labelling and implementing a marketing strategy to generate more revenue.