Who are we?

The Special Council Support Fund for Mutual Assistance (FEICOM) was created in 1974 by the law organising Councils in Cameroon. It has been reorganized several times. The last reorganization was by decree No. 2018/635 of 31 October 2018 which transformed the entity into a public establishment with an economic and financial status.

FEICOM’s mission is to contribute to the harmonious development of all the Regional and Local Authorities based on national solidarity and inter-regional and inter-council balance, in conjunction with the administrations concerned.

Our missions


FEICOM pools and redistributes regional taxes subject to equalisation, as well as additional council taxes and other council and regional taxes subject to equalisation, in accordance with the rules and regulations in force


FEICOM pays to beneficiary Regions, Councils, Council Unions and City Councils the corresponding shares of the Common Decentralization Fund allocated to them by the Government

Payment of remuneration

FEICOM is responsible for the payment of the salaries of Presidents and bureau members of Regional Councils, as well as Mayors

Local development

FEICOM participates in financial operations aimed at promoting local economic development, in conjunction with the other administrations and entities concerned

Our vision

Contribute to make Regional and local authorities
a better place


FEICOM, which is administered by a Board of Directors, has two supervisory authorities: Technical tutelage authority: Minister in charge of Regional and Local Authorities; Financial tutelage authority: Minister in charge of Finance. The organization is represented in the ten (10) regions of the country and it embarked on the quest for dynamic performance and progress following its restructuring in 2006.


FEICOM has been certified under the ISO 9001 standard since 2009 in the areas of studies, supportive-counselling to local elected officials, resource mobilisation, design, financing and monitoring of local development projects. It successfully migrated its Quality Management System (QMS) to an Integrated Management System resulting in a second certification in 2021, under version 2015 of the ISO 14001 standard.


In 2012, the United Nations Organization awarded to FEICOM the “Habitat Scroll of Honour”, which is the United Nations’ most prestigious award in the field of human settlements, in recognition of FEICOM’s contribution, in support of Councils, to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


From a statistical viewpoint, between 1977 and 2022, FEICOM granted 5,397 financial assistance packages for a cumulative amount of CFA francs 393,551,161,678. This funding allowed for the completion of 5,101 projects covering all areas contained in national planning documents. The funding was used, among other things, for the construction of 329 town halls, the acquisition of 55,156 school desks, the planting of 8,900 trees, the supply of 5,320 street lamps, the construction of 3,270 classrooms and 3,720 latrines, the construction of 1,501 housing units, 1,890 boreholes and 739 wells, the construction of 1,354 drinking water supply networks, construction of 123 markets and 3,959 shops, 12 motor parks, 71 on-call housing units, 59 bridges and 60 culverts, 289 liaison and service vehicles, 148 dump trucks, 411 civil engineering machines, 46 health centres, 35 maternal care blocks, etc.


Projects financed across the national territory


town halls built across the country


Financial assistance granted to RLAs between 1977 and 2022


drinking water supply networks constructed