Since 2021, the funding granted by FEICOM to Councils and City Councils through the following eight (08) windows

Social development projects window

This window finances social development projects including basic infrastructure projects, community facilities projects and environmental preservation projects

Local economic development projects window

This window is dedicated, among other things, to local economic facilities and infrastructure projects as well as projects that promote the local economy.

Urban development projects window

This window finances development planning documents, urban infrastructure and facilities projects and digital territory projects.

The Operating expenses support window

The operating expenses support window finances cash advances and utility equipment loans

The solidarity and external actions of councils window

This window finances support projects for councils’ external actions and solidarity projects between RLAs

Low-income councils support window

This window finances all the projects financed by the other windows, except those from the local economic development and operating expenses support windows.

Partnership projects and programmes window

This is made up of credit lines funded on resources stemming from donations and bequests, subsidies and loans contracted within the framework of cooperation.

Project maturation window

Finance les études des projets pour un montant ne pouvant excéder 300 millions de francs CFA et dont la durée de remboursement ne peut excéder six (06) ans