The social development projects window funds social projects such as: (i) basic infrastructure projects, (ii) Community facilities projects and (iii) environmental preservation projects.

Basic infrastructure projects include the following:

  • Infrastructure that facilitates access to drinking water and sanitation
  • Renewable energy production, transportation and distribution infrastructures that do not generate income
  • Opening and maintenance of rural earth roads
  • Pedestrian paths and other urban mobility infrastructure
  • Collective sanitation works, engineering works, bridges and tunnels
  • School infrastructure
  • Infrastructure for the empowerment of women and socially vulnerable people
  • Community health centres
  • Other basic infrastructure projects
Council’s contribution (15%)
Solidarity contribution (65%)
Loan share (20%)

Community facilities projects include the following:

  • Council chambers, town halls and buildings housing local public services
  • Libraries, museums, community multi-purpose halls, other non-income-generating socio-cultural spaces, etc.
  • Multi-sports fields, stadiums, grandstands, sports centres and courses, other socio-sporting infrastructures
  • Other non-income generating community facilities

The repayment period for the loan share of the financing incurred for community facilities projects may not exceed twenty (20) years. The funding agreement specifies the repayment period per type of project.

Council’s contribution (15%)
Solidarity contribution (65%)
Loan share (20%)

Environmental conservation projects include the following:

  • Production of seedlings and reforestation operations
  • Development of green spaces, parks and gardens
  • Development of sustainable tourist attractions
  • Management of solid and non-recovered waste
  • Solar-powered street lighting
  • Projects aimed at improving energy efficiency
  • Projects aimed at reducing air pollution
  • Projects aimed at preserving ecosystems and biodiversity
  • Initiatives aimed at protecting and rehabilitating the cultural heritage listed in the national or global inventory
  • Construction and servicing of sustainable cemeteries and their associated equipment
  • Other projects relating to environmental preservation

The repayment period for the loan portion of the financing of environmental conservation projects may not exceed twenty (20) years. The funding agreement specifies the repayment period by type of project.

Our other windows

  • This is made up of credit lines funded on resources stemming from donations and bequests, subsidies and loans contracted within the framework of cooperation.

  • This is made up of credit lines funded on resources stemming from donations and bequests, subsidies and loans contracted within the framework of cooperation.

  • Finance les études des projets pour un montant ne pouvant excéder 300 millions de francs CFA et dont la durée de remboursement ne peut excéder six (06) ans