The Support window for Councils’ solidarity and external actions finances (i) support projects for Councils’ external actions and (ii) solidarity projects between RLAs.

Councils’ own contribution (15%)
Solidarity contribution (50%)
Repayable loans (35%)

The support projects to Councils’ external actions include the following:

  • Transportation, transit and customs duties on donated material or equipment
  • Costs generated by guarantees given to obtain international financing
  • Travel costs for the effective signing of a twinning or project financing agreement
  • Other international actions of Councils

The repayment period for the loan share of the financing of projects supporting the external actions of Councils shall not exceed six (06) years.

Solidarity projects between RLAs include mainly:

  • Projects presented by a Council Union
  • Projects undertaken by several Councils of the same Division or the same Region
  • Other solidarity projects between RLAs

The repayment period for the loan share of solidarity projects between RLAs depends on the typology of the Project.

The Contribution for rebuilding the cash flow on the loan share of inter-council projects shall be 2% per annum excluding taxes.

Our other windows

  • This is made up of credit lines funded on resources stemming from donations and bequests, subsidies and loans contracted within the framework of cooperation.

  • This is made up of credit lines funded on resources stemming from donations and bequests, subsidies and loans contracted within the framework of cooperation.

  • Finance les études des projets pour un montant ne pouvant excéder 300 millions de francs CFA et dont la durée de remboursement ne peut excéder six (06) ans