With the construction of the new Council chambers which saw an increase in the number of offices and considering also the fact that existing equipment were already old and dilapidated, FEICOM granted upon request in 2017, a funding to the tune of CFAF 29 972 585 to the Mbonge Council for the acquisition of supplies and equipment. The contract was awarded to NZO TARH ENTERPRISE P.O BOX 19 BUEA to the tune of CFAF 29 972 500 with taxes inclusive.

After a long delay in the execution of this contract was due to insecurity that reigns on the and Kumba-Mbonge road, the stakeholders meeting for final acceptance was finally slated for Friday the 17th of April 2020 following the conclusion of talks with the military to escort members of the acceptance commission to the site. It is worth noting that before the suspension of the contract, the equipment had been conveyed to Kumba.